restaurant cover
Takaragaike, Kitayama
Opening hours: 11:30-15:00 (close when sold out) Open Sundays
Rest time: Thursday (open on Thursday and closed on the following Friday if the day falls on a national holiday) Business hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
recommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわrecommendations for おがわ
Reservation Info
No Reservations
Payment Method
No credit cards Electronic money is not accepted
Number of Seats
12 seats (2 x 2 tables, 2 x 4 seats)
Private Dining Rooms
Smoking and Non-Smoking
No smoking at the table
None Coin-operated parking available nearby
Calm space, large seating area.
Sake available
A renowned soba restaurant in Kyoto, "Ogawa," has been selected as one of the top 100 soba restaurants for five consecutive years since 2017. Located about a 20-minute walk from Kitaoji Station in Kyoto, it's recommended to take a taxi during the chilly winter season. The renovated traditional Kyoto townhouse exterior blends in beautifully with the surrounding streetscape, exuding a Kyoto-like charm. The cozy interior can only accommodate four groups at a time, and they do not seat strangers together, so be prepared to wait in line. Arriving 30 minutes before opening, we found two elderly couples already waiting. It's not just young people lining up - the dedication to delicious food knows no age limit! After waiting in the cold for 30 minutes, the restaurant finally opened. The simple yet stylish interior exudes a modern and elegant atmosphere, with warm wooden tables and comfortable chairs. Hot tea was promptly served, warming up our chilled bodies. We were the third group to enter, and it took another 20 minutes before we could enjoy the soba. In Kyoto, where time flows gently, patience is key. This place is not for those who are rushed or impatient. It's for those with a refined heart, who can appreciate soba with sincerity. The soba noodles are thin and fragrant, with a satisfying grainy texture and a hint of sweetness. The noodles are smooth and easy to slurp up, without breaking. The simplest "zaru" soba was the most delicious in my opinion. Run by a husband and wife, this Kyoto soba restaurant offers attentive service, making you forget the long wait. As we said our thanks, the husband's refreshing voice echoed from the back, saying, "Thank you!" It was worth waking up early and coming all the way to Kitaoji. A delightful soba restaurant in Kyoto that makes you feel grateful. There are some soba restaurants in Kyoto that may not have the same ambiance, so choose wisely. Thank you for the delicious meal!
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When you visit Kyoto, "Ogawa" is a great place to enjoy some soba noodles. The menu is simple, with options like zaru (cold soba) and yakimiso (grilled miso). The yakimiso has a sweet and fragrant miso sauce with a hint of yuzu, perfect with non-alcoholic beer. The zaru noodles are thin and smooth, not dry as they appear, and the broth is rich and flavorful. You can enjoy the soba with various condiments like green onions, grated radish, and wasabi. The meal ends with warm soba water to cleanse your palate. Overall, a delightful experience to savor the flavor and aroma of soba noodles in Kyoto.
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⭐️⭐️(3 out of 5) For breakfast on the second day of my Kyoto gourmet tour, I went here! After waiting under the scorching sun for about 30 minutes, although they were supposed to open at 11:30, they actually opened around 11:45... Well, it's a common thing, but the interior of the restaurant is surprisingly clean despite being 10 years old. They only make two servings at a time, so the turnover is quite slow. The thin noodles are easy to slurp, but I felt like the soba was a bit lacking. Well, it's a matter of personal preference after all.
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Arrived at the restaurant at 11:20 on Saturday, with 3 people waiting ahead of me. Luckily, I was able to get in. It was scorching hot outside, so I was relieved to not have to wait outside. However, even though it was already time for the restaurant to open, there was no sign of it opening. It finally opened at 11:38. I ordered the "zaru soba" and waited for another 27 minutes. The soba noodles were incredibly thin. The toppings were minimal, but well-balanced. It was delicious, but because the noodles were so thin and short, it felt delicate. I finished with soba broth. I was originally planning to go to an eel restaurant afterwards, but since the portion was small, I might need to order more if it's my only meal. Thank you for the meal~♪
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I stopped by in the early afternoon! I ordered summer soba, tororo soba, and zaru soba, but all the soba dishes were incredibly delicious✨ The service was polite and very helpful, even with kids being rowdy. I will definitely come back again!
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When you go north from Nijo Castle, you will come across a river and the foundation stones of Momohashi? It's the main battlefield of the Onin War, huh... I continued further north but the rain started to get heavier... It was around 13:10 and the restaurant had about 20% of its seats filled... I sat at a table near the front... I asked for a recommendation and ended up ordering the summer soba, but I wasn't sure if it came with vegetables so I ordered the zaru soba. The dish was served in about 9 minutes... They told me to add the dipping sauce little by little, so I did and it was okay, a bit on the strong side. About 3 minutes later, they brought me soba-yu (hot water used to dilute the dipping sauce), but there was hardly any sauce left... I added a little and found the texture to be quite sticky, not my favorite. I paid 1200 yen in cash... Heading west to tackle another challenge for today.
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I wanted to eat soba after a long time, so I went to this restaurant. There was one group waiting outside, so I lined up behind them. It seems like you have to wait until the staff calls you. The restaurant only has 4 tables, so it feels quiet and time passes slowly inside. They don't allow taking photos inside, so I only took a picture of the outside sign. Currently, they are not serving duck soba due to bird flu. I ordered the zaru soba for 1200 yen. The extremely thin grayish noodles have a nice aroma and you can taste the flavor even with thin noodles. The soba dipping sauce is on the stronger side, so I dipped lightly. The condiments were limited to green onions, wasabi, and grated radish (spicy). The soba broth was very hot and thick, so when mixed with the dipping sauce, it was really delicious. You can add extra sauce for 150 yen, and it was worth it for a richer flavor. The portion size felt a bit small, so I was satisfied at about 70% full.
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I arrived at the restaurant "Grill Hasegawa" after a 20-minute walk at 12:55. There was no line outside, so I entered the restaurant and there was one group of customers (2 people) already seated. I ordered the Zaru Soba for ¥1200 and a small bottle of Ebisu beer for ¥680. While drinking my beer and waiting, the Zaru Soba was served at 13:07. The soba noodles were very thin, the thinnest I've ever seen, and they were delicious. I wanted to eat another serving. The soba broth was also flavorful. It was a shame that the duck soba was not available. Thank you for the meal. I left the restaurant at 13:20.
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The atmosphere is elegant, and the service is excellent and polite at this restaurant. It's a soba restaurant that is quite popular, so it's hard to get in, but I was able to go in because it was raining. The broth is amazing! It's a bit strong, but after finishing the soba, you get a more concentrated soba soup which is just right. The soba noodles are quite thin, but it's a wonderful restaurant that preserves traditional handmade methods. It may be a bit pricey, but considering the service and taste, and the fact that they have a Michelin star, it's definitely a restaurant worth visiting. I would love to go back again during the winter soba season.
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It's been a while since I visited Kyoto~╰( º∀º )╯ I tried to have lunch at a different restaurant but it was full, so I found another nearby place to recover. It was a good thing I did my research well haha. By the way, I didn't do anything bad〜( ・᷄ὢ・᷅ )▶ I had the Zaru soba for 1200 yen. The noodles had a transparent purity to them. I need to take photos quickly before they get soggy ( °∀°;). The sauce was not too strong, so even a stronger flavor was okay. The staff also advised me to add the sauce gradually.▶ For the drink, I had the Shimeharitsuru Junmai for 550 yen. I ordered it because they said it was easy to drink. It's apparently not commonly found in Kansai, so I was excited♪( ◜௰◝و(و It was indeed easy to drink, but as for the sake... it might not be enough for me〜ᔦ˙灬˙ᔨ The staff was very polite and nice♡ However, the soba didn't fill me upฅ(ΦωΦ)ฅ
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It's been a while since I visited! The food is still delicious as ever! I arrived at 11:00 am, but there was already a line of one person waiting. I heard that the daughter had advised to line up early to avoid the long queue, but luckily there weren't many customers due to the rain. I feel sorry for those who lined up, though (laughs). The seats are limited, so I lined up right at the opening and got a seat. The restaurant was full in no time, and more customers started waiting outside! The seaweed, which cost 900 yen for a few sheets, was delicious! I forgot to ask where the seaweed was from (laughs). I ordered a small amount of Shimeharitsuru sake, which is unusual for me (laughs). I saved some room to enjoy the soba later. Unfortunately, they were out of duck this time! I'll look forward to it next time.
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Soba restaurant "Ogawa" in Kyoto, which has been selected as one of the top 100 restaurants for five consecutive years since 2017, is a popular spot that has also earned one Michelin star in Kyoto! Due to its popularity, there was already a line of about five groups before the 11:30 opening. I was lucky enough to enter right at opening time, but it took quite a while from ordering to being served. I ordered the tororo soba, which was extremely thin but had a good firmness, smooth texture, and elegant flavor. The creamy and rich soba soup was also delicious, and I finished every last drop. The prices were a bit high, but if you love soba, this restaurant is definitely worth a visit! Thank you for the meal! ❤️
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Walking from Zaru Kitaoji Station, and walking, there is a shop on Kitayama Street. It has a lovely atmosphere and is part of the Okotowari Daima group. Personally, I love it and it never disappoints. The scent of soba is strong and refreshing. Even dipping it in the sauce and eating it is delicious. The scent of soba is so enchanting that the warm soba broth after finishing eating gently envelops you. The portion size is not large, but you can focus on each soba and even get a refill if you want. For those who want to eat a lot, a refill may be necessary, but for me, one serving is more than enough. Happy. Love it.
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This restaurant has been selected as one of the top 100 soba restaurants. It is located in the city but not close to Kyoto Station or Shijo, so it doesn't usually have long lines. They are only open for lunch and often close before their stated closing time, so it's recommended to check before visiting. I ordered the zaru soba. I also wanted to try the duck, but unfortunately it wasn't available today. The soba had a sweet aroma and flavor, with a firm texture despite being made of 100% buckwheat. The soba dipping sauce was also pleasantly tangy. I look forward to trying the duck, appetizers, and sake next time. ^_^
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I arrived right on time at 11:30 am aiming for the opening, but there was already a line of 12 people. It seemed like they were limiting the number of people entering due to COVID, so I had to wait for an hour before finally getting inside. They mentioned that they could only boil 2 servings of soba at a time. All the customers were waiting quietly. I wanted to try the duck soba, but it seemed like they didn't have it today, so I ordered the Tororo Soba for 1500 yen. The soba was very thin and had a refreshing texture. The soba broth served afterwards was also very rich and delicious. They even separated the Tororo on the side, so I could enjoy it thoroughly. By around 1 pm, they had sold out about 20 servings. The high ratings are well-deserved. It might be difficult to visit when you're short on time...
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I ordered the zaru soba (1200 yen) at a restaurant that has been awarded one Michelin star before. I visited on a weekday at 1 pm and found that the majority of customers were tourists from overseas. While I thought the prices were a bit high, I was able to taste the flavor of the soba flour well and had a valuable experience.
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The appearance The shop is located along Kitayama Street, about a 20-minute walk from Kitaoji Station on the Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line. There are no flashy signs on the exterior, so it's difficult to tell if it's a restaurant or not. Inside The interior is small and cozy, with tables neatly arranged. Wood is used for tables, floors, giving a warm impression. The interior is lit with natural light, which adds a stylish atmosphere that makes you want to take photos. When seated, tea is served, which is delicious as expected in Kyoto. Menu The menu offers only four types of soba. There are a few side dishes, mostly for drinking. Beer Since the restaurant was full, I enjoyed a beer while waiting for the food. Cashew nuts were served as a snack and were delicious. Fugu no ko "Fugu no ko" is fugu ovaries pickled in sake lees. Each piece has a strong flavor, similar to karasumi, with a salty taste and a hint of sake lees aroma. It's delicious. Duck salt-grilled Duck is served with vegetables, creating a beautiful presentation. The duck has a perfect amount of salt, complementing the richness of the meat. It's thickly sliced, offering a satisfying texture and delicious duck flavor. Zaru soba Simple and minimalistic zaru soba, yet it has a unique charm. As someone trying soba in the Kansai region for the first time, I was curious about the soba broth. Surprisingly, it had a crisp taste similar to Tokyo soba broth. It's slightly spicy, enhancing the flavor of the soba. The soba has a chewy texture and a sweet taste unique to 100% buckwheat soba. It's made with homemade buckwheat flour ground with a stone mill. Review "Definitely coming back!!!"
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The soba noodles had a unique and delicious texture, which is why it has been selected as a Michelin and top 100 restaurant. The noodles were thin with a great aroma and a flavor that I really enjoyed. I was even considering ordering more soba noodles. I highly recommend this place to soba lovers when visiting Kyoto.
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Today, I went on a soba noodle tour in Kyoto. The first stop was Ogawa-san in Kitaoji. I was running a bit late, so I took a taxi from Shijo to the restaurant. There were some traffic restrictions due to a marathon along the way, but I managed to arrive 20 minutes before the opening time. There were already 2 groups of 4 customers inside. I was relieved to secure a spot for the first round. When the restaurant opened, I was seated and ordered a simple zaru soba. While waiting, I enjoyed some tea and after about 40 minutes, the soba finally arrived. The wait wasn't too bad for us as we could relax inside the restaurant, but I imagine waiting outside could be tough depending on the weather. The turnover rate seemed slow, so I recommend aiming for the first round when visiting. Finally, the zaru soba arrived and it was worth the wait. The soba had a great texture and aroma, and the dipping sauce had a nice bonito flavor. From start to finish, it was a satisfying meal. Despite the wait, the delicious soba made it all worth it. If you haven't been, I recommend giving it a try. Thank you for the meal!
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I visited Ogawa, which is ranked as one of the top 100 soba noodle restaurants in both 2022 and 2021. It is located on Kitayama Street in Kyoto. The restaurant is housed in a renovated traditional Japanese house and has a cozy interior with only table seating. It is a family-run business that operates only during the daytime. Despite its small size, it is a popular spot with long lines outside. They specialize in handcrafted soba noodles, offering varieties such as zaru, oroshi, tororo, and duck soba. You can also choose from a few side dishes like grilled miso and duck soba. The soba noodles have a nice chewy texture and a strong flavor. The duck soba, in particular, is recommended for its rich duck broth. Overall, it is a great restaurant worth visiting.
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The soba noodles were delicious, with a subtle green color and a perfect firmness. The atmosphere of the restaurant was reflected in the dish. The soba broth was slightly thick and comforting. The mother's humility and care were exceptional.
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