restaurant cover
Ittetsuan ◆ 【旧店名】いってつ庵 まつ田
Opening hours: 11:00 - 21:00 Open Sundays
Rest time: Wednesdays Business hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
北海道旭川市永山11条4-119-48 あさひかわラーメン村
recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵recommendations for いってつ庵
Reservation Info
No Reservations
Children (unmarried children, primary school children)
Payment Method
No credit cards Electronic money is not accepted
Number of Seats
26 seats (8 seats at counter, 3 tables for 2 persons, 3 tables for 4 persons)
Private Dining Rooms
Smoking and Non-Smoking
No smoking at the table
Counter seats available
I don't usually go to Ramen Village, but today all the nearby ramen shops are closed on Wednesday! Not good. Nowhere is open, so maybe I'll go to Ramen Village... That kind of feeling. Out of 7-8 shops, only about 5 are open. I'll avoid the crowded ones and go to a place that suits my taste and is not busy. I sat at the counter and ordered, but was quickly told to move to a two-person table. Oh well, it's a spacious seat. Of course, the specialty here is "shoyu" (soy sauce) ramen! It's evident in the menu and the appearance of the place. Here's a photo of the shoyu ramen for you to check out! The taste is just like the "Asahikawa shoyu ramen," a flavor I love, with noodles that suit my preference. However, the price is a bit high due to tourist pricing. It seems like locals in Asahikawa would only come here when they have visitors from out of town or when they want to experience a touristy vibe without traveling. Well, it's more like using it as an event venue...
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It's been a while since I visited Asahikawa Ramen Village. And it's been a while since I saw a group of Chinese tourists on a bus. It reminded me of the old days when Chinese was more commonly heard than Japanese. I visited around 12:30 on a weekday. Luckily, there were seats available at the counter, so I was seated right away. The place got crowded quickly after that, so I timed it well. There were more Chinese customers than Japanese in the restaurant. I ordered the Hormone Ramen for 900 yen. It arrived promptly. Although I felt that there was a bit less hormone than I expected, overall it was delicious. The fried hormone and soy sauce soup blended well together, and I couldn't stop eating. Thank you for the meal!
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In Ramen Village... there is a shop that I haven't been to yet... I wonder if it exists...? I feel like I'm going on a time travel journey... going back to the past. I check my "saved" list and confirm... oh, I actually went there before. Next, I try to recall my memories... Hmm... I should have taken notes... ( ̄▽ ̄;) [Vegetable Ramen] ♬ I probably chose the "Shoyu" flavor! Because... if it was "Miso," I would have ordered the spicy one if available... haha I carefully look at the photos to remember... (。-`ω´-)ンー I remember that I liked the moderate crunchiness of the vegetables... the soup had depth and the slight sweetness of the vegetables added to the deliciousness... I remembered it. The noodles were also my favorite low hydration type... ♪*゚I might revisit to confirm... next time, I'll go for the simple Shoyu flavor... ♬ Thank you for the meal~(*´∀`)♪
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When I went to Asahikawa Ramen Street, every place had long lines. Upon closer look, it turned out to be high school students on a school trip. I ordered the Negi Shoyu Ramen, which is said to be the most popular at Ikedouan. The noodles are not the curly type unique to Hokkaido, but they seem to go well with the soup. It was delicious, but for an old man like me, the flavor was a bit too strong.
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I'm in Asahikawa. It's late for lunch, and many ramen shops have closed, but I'm in the mood for ramen. I came to Ramen Village. I was curious about Hormone Ramen, so I came here with my family. We ordered a variety of dishes. Hormone ramen was delicious, with tender and chewy meat. However, it didn't come with chashu. The soy sauce soup was a bit salty for my taste. The double chashu with melt-in-your-mouth texture was delicious. My favorite was the rich and tasty pork bone soup. I preferred the salt flavor over the soy sauce, as it was milder and more like tonkotsu soup. It would be nice if we could choose the soup for the Hormone ramen.
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☆ フードハンター 林 ☆
The taste of the char siu is influenced by the star anise flavor, which can be a matter of personal preference. Personally, I am not a fan of star anise. This restaurant may not be the best choice for those who are particular about the star anise flavor in their char siu. Additionally, the wait time between ordering and receiving the ramen was too long. Could it be because the noodles are thicker than usual? Perhaps it's because I'm from Fukuoka... However, this restaurant does convey the goodness of Asahikawa ramen! It would be nice to have a variety of char siu options, not just one with star anise flavor. Despite these points, the soup has depth and the noodles are delicious!
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I visited this restaurant for lunch, which is located in Ramen Village, as the second stop of my Hokkaido trip in 2022. There are many shops in Ramen Village, so it was quite difficult to decide where to eat. However, my wife's desire to eat "Hormone Ramen" was the deciding factor for us to enter this particular shop. It was around 13:30 on a weekday, and there were only two other groups of customers besides us. I had already eaten soy sauce ramen for breakfast, so I ordered the miso-flavored vegetable ramen. You can choose from three basic types of ramen: soy sauce, miso, and salt. The vegetable ramen contained stir-fried vegetables such as onions, bean sprouts, carrots, and Chinese cabbage. The soup had a sweet taste from the vegetables melting into it. It was delicious, but personally, I would have preferred the vegetables to be more thoroughly stir-fried. Overall, it was a reliably tasty restaurant. Thank you for the meal!
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There was a job in Asahikawa, so I visited around 1:30 pm. I didn't feel like moving for lunch, so I ended up going to Ramen Village ^^; There was only one other customer. I was wondering what to order when I saw they had Hormone Ramen! I quickly ordered the Hormone Shoyu Ramen for 900 yen. It arrived shortly after. The soup was a dark color with hormone floating in it. There was less hormone compared to the one I had at "Himawari" in Asahikawa before, but it was still delicious when mixed with the soup. The thin noodles also mixed well with the hormone-infused soup, making it delicious. Thank you for the meal♪
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Torochashu Ramen Soy Sauce 1000 yen Today's lunch was at Ittetsuan. The effect of lifting the state of emergency is noticeable. It was past lunchtime but the restaurant was full. However, being alone has its advantages. There were seats available at the counter. Lucky me. I remember having this when it was in the city a while back. This is my first time here. I'll go with chashu. Soy sauce flavor. It was served in about 10 minutes. The bowl was hot so I didn't touch it. 5 slices of chashu. The tender and well-flavored chashu was great. Simple with just menma and green onions, but the Asahikawa ramen soup was a bit strong and tasty. It's really nice to be able to enjoy delicious ramen. I hope the infection doesn't rebound.
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Today, half of the shops in Ramen Village were closed, including the one I wanted to go to and my second choice. It seems like Ramen Village is geared towards tourists. I ended up going to a shop I had never tried before without doing any research. When I entered, the first thing I noticed was how dark it was, which didn't give a good impression. I ordered the miso ramen with chicken chashu. The soup was thick and a bit salty, but delicious. The toppings were a bit buried in the soup. The noodles were Asahikawa's unique low-hydration type, which I found tasty but slightly soft. The chashu was tender with a good balance of fat, and the seasoned egg was perfectly runny. Overall, the flavors were intense, and I ended up ordering rice to go with the ramen. I usually like strong flavors, so I enjoyed the miso ramen, but I might try the soy sauce ramen next time. However, I have a feeling I might get hooked on the miso ramen flavor.
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I was unsure where to go in Asahikawa Ramen Village and decided to enter a shop on a whim. The Tonkotsu Chashu Ramen was salty. The broth and chashu were both salty. However, the menma had no flavor. The local chicken chashu was average except for the menma. There were not many signs posted on the walls.
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I chose the "Double Chashu Ramen" which was labeled as the number one popular dish in the restaurant. When I asked the staff for a recommendation, they suggested the "salt" flavor, so I went with that. I also wanted to order the "Pan-fried Gyoza" but it seems they were not available today. The dish arrived in just a few minutes. The chashu was impressive, even more than in the picture! I have tried the soy sauce flavor before, but the salt soup was also delicious. There were two types of chashu, one fatty and one regular, which was fun to try. By the time I finished everything, I was full. It seems I didn't need to order the gyoza when I got the Double Chashu.
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◆Asahikawa Ramen Village - Ittettsuan (Fatty Chashu Ramen)◆ It's been a while since I visited Ittettsuan in Asahikawa Ramen Village, so I thought I'd write about it. This time, I tried the Fatty Chashu Ramen (soy sauce) for the first time, with firm noodles, priced at ¥1,000. Some say the soup is "salty," but as it gets colder, you realize that in this freezing place like Asahikawa, it needs to be a bit salty to warm you up. Even the standing soba shop at Sapporo Station platform, which may seem just okay in warmer weather, really hits the spot when you eat in minus temperatures.
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◆ Ramen registration number 4543rd • 774th in 2021 ◆ Ittettsu-an (Asahikawa Ramen Village, Nagayama 11-jo, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido) ◆ Ittettsu Ramen for kids, soy sauce flavor, ¥700. Follow on Instagram @tsukasan777 and Twitter @tsukasan2010.
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I visited Ittetsuan for the first time in a while in the evening. I couldn't remember much from my previous visit. After looking at the menu, I decided to order the rich and tasty soy sauce ramen with extra char siu and mayonnaise rice. While waiting for my order, I noticed a lively group of tourists chatting loudly, which was a refreshing sight in these times. When the food arrived, I found the broth to be flavorful with a deep umami taste. However, the noodles were too thin and absorbed too much soup, leaving me wanting more. If ordered without the rice, the ramen alone might not be satisfying due to the small portion size. Although Ittetsuan has been serving the same delicious ramen for a long time, I hope they can make some improvements in the future.
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Today, I feel like having miso ramen! I've been in the mood for it since this morning. So, where should I eat it? Let's choose a restaurant I haven't been to before. I decided to go to Ramen Village because even though I am a resident of Asahikawa, I have only been there once or twice in the past. First, we drove to Ramen Village and then wandered around in front of restaurants we haven't visited before. We looked at the photos of the restaurants and discussed with my wife. We chose a restaurant. There was alcohol disinfection at the entrance of the restaurant. After disinfecting our hands, we were seated at a table. It was around 6 pm, and there were four guests in a group and one guest at the counter. I had already decided on miso ramen, so I chose the vegetable miso ramen with chashu topping. My wife chose soy sauce ramen. The news was talking about the US presidential election. I chatted with my wife about how it's already that time. The ramen arrived in about 5 minutes. The presentation was nice. There was a generous amount of chashu, which made me happy. First, I tried the soup. Hmm? It's lukewarm... My wife's soy sauce ramen was not as lukewarm, so maybe the temperature dropped due to the chashu. A bit disappointing. However, the miso had a mild and soft flavor. The noodles were Asahikawa noodles, perfectly cooked and hotter than the soup. The vegetables were sautéed well and there was a good amount of them. The chashu included both lean and fatty pieces. The seasoning of the chashu was quite strong in soy sauce flavor, which felt a bit different from the miso ramen. It would probably go well with soy sauce ramen. Overall, it was a generous portion, the soup was a bit lukewarm, but the taste was delicious. The price was a bit on the expensive side, more like a tourist price at Ramen Village. However, the satisfaction of eating a hearty miso ramen was quite high. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.
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*I visited before the third wave arrived. It's been a while since I visited Asahikawa!! This time, I decided to stop by Asahikawa Ramen Village as usual. I was looking forward to trying a local specialty of Asahikawa that hasn't gained much popularity yet (in my opinion), which is Horumon ramen!! Asahikawa Shoyu Horumon (900 yen) has plenty of horumon on top of Asahikawa ramen♪ The horumon itself is rich in flavor and tender, very delicious~!! I thought it might be a bit spicy based on the appearance, but it's not spicy at all. The soup is also rich, not your typical Asahikawa ramen, more like a variation. I personally like Horumon ramen!! However, it may not be suitable for those who want to try the classic Asahikawa ramen.
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I ordered the Asahikawa soy sauce ramen and it was served in 10 minutes. I had the salt ramen last time I came, but I wanted to try the soy sauce flavor soup this time. The soup is rich in soy sauce flavor but not too heavy. The low hydration, thin, curly noodles typical of Asahikawa go well with the soup. The green onions here are crispy and delicious. I wonder if they cut them right before serving? The Holmen has a slightly sweet and refreshing seasoning that goes well with the soup. It's nice that it comes with a half boiled egg.
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I ordered salt ramen with a 567 coupon. It arrived in a little over 5 minutes. The soup is a cloudy type, with a light salt flavor and a strong tonkotsu taste. It has plenty of oil and stays hot until the end. The noodles are medium-thin curly noodles. The menma is firm with a good bite, having been soaked in salt. The chashu is a slightly large roast with a strong flavor. Overall, it was a well-balanced ramen.
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"I ordered the 'Jidori Chashu Ramen (Salt)' with a half portion of noodles for a discount of 100 yen. The dish arrived in a small bowl. The soup seemed to be a chicken white broth. When I took a sip, I noticed a slightly unique chicken aroma that lingered in my mouth. It may not be appealing to everyone, but I personally enjoyed it. Even after finishing the meal, the pleasant aroma remained in my mouth for a while. It reminded me of a chicken white broth ramen I had in Iidabashi before. The noodles were decent, with good soup absorption. The chashu may have been a bit salty, while the menma was on the lighter side. The flavored egg, however, was delicious. Sometimes, a soup with a distinctive flavor like this can be a nice change of pace."
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