I pass by this restaurant almost every week in my car, usually in a hurry to get to the station or home. Today, I had some time before watching a movie at 7 p.m., so I decided to stop by Ramen Oogoya. There were only two cars parked, but they were both parked in a tricky way, so I parked at the very edge, leaving enough space to get out later, and got out of the car halfway open. I sat at the counter, right in the center where I could see the entire kitchen. The heat and humidity coming from the kitchen were intense! My glasses kept fogging up, no matter how many times I wiped them. The walls and the glass door at the entrance were all fogged up too. There were quite a few customers already inside... about 10 people (including 3 at the counter)... The guy next to me and a group of 5 behind me seemed to have just placed their orders... The sole male owner seemed to be handling everything by himself. He looked almost 180 cm tall, but the gas stoves made of fire-resistant concrete bricks were surprisingly low, lower than his waist. It seemed to be designed that way to reduce wrist strain when stirring the wok. Since he was busy working, I pretended to look at the menu for a bit... they had options like Kinshio, Ajisaki Ramen, Miso, Spicy Miso, Angry Spicy Miso, Miso Cheese, and more... I was a bit indecisive, so I went with "Shoyu, please!" priced at 680 yen. I added extra noodles for a large portion (1.5 servings) for 100 yen, a mega portion (2.0 servings) for 200 yen, and a huge portion (2.5 servings) for 300 yen. The noodles here are from Sudo Seimen, as written on the curtain. The soup is made from pork bones, chicken bones, seafood, vegetables, and for depth, beef bones, and scallops for umami. The owner was finishing up the 5 bowls for the group of 5, each with different toppings. This group seemed to have ordered the miso flavor with cheese and vegetable stir-fry. The bowls were placed on the counter, and he brought two over to me while holding the third. The cheese on the counter bowls was melting nicely... On his way back, he brought me a glass of water. Even though it's self-service, I appreciated the gesture considering how busy he was... Thank you. It took 13 minutes for the ramen to arrive. The guy next to me at the counter and the solo customer's ramen were being prepared alongside mine. They both ordered the cheese ramen. The black bowls were quite large. They made a solid sound when placed on the counter. The aroma was a mix of scallops, seafood... maybe dried fish, with a good fragrance. Let's see... ah, a rich and sweet aroma reminiscent of oden soup. It has a clear appearance with not too much oil. The topping looks like it has a lot of tendons. Is it not menma? Let's try it first... ah, the crunchy texture is indeed bamboo shoots rather than menma. The mild soy sauce flavor is also good. The noodles are low-hydration, medium-thin curly noodles. They were cooked al dente. The scallop flavor in this soup, combined with the Sudo Seimen noodles, resulted in a slightly Chinese-style finish that was delicious. The chashu was made from pork shoulder... about 4-5 mm thick with a nice soy sauce flavor throughout. It was tender with a good bite. Lastly, I took a few sips of the soup. If I were to try this soup again, I might go for the salt flavor for a more refined taste. Next time, I'll try the salt ramen, followed by the cheese miso ramen! Thank you for the meal.