restaurant cover
Hiyama, Oshamambe Area
Opening hours: 17:00-22:00 *Reservations required for lunch
Rest time: Open irregular hours and closed days are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
recommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿しrecommendations for いこい寿し
Reservation Info
can be reserved
Payment Method
Credit cards not accepted
Number of Seats
50 seats (6 seats at counter, 44 seats at tatami room)
Private Dining Rooms
Yes (6 available)
Smoking and Non-Smoking
Smoking is permitted in all seats. As the Law Concerning Measures Against Passive Smoking (Revised Health Promotion Law) has been in effect since April 1, 2020, please check with the restaurant prior to your visit as the information may differ from the latest information.
No Free parking available in front of Kita Hiyama Bus Terminal Station
Counter seating available, tatami room available
Sake and shochu available
I went to Ikoi Sushi, located in front of the former Kitahiyama Station (bus terminal) next to Toh Hiya, so you can easily catch a taxi without having to call one. I finished work late, so I didn't cook dinner and came here to eat sushi instead. I ordered the special (tokujou) for 2200 yen, which includes 10 pieces of sweet shrimp, tuna, sea bream, scallop, crab, abalone, botan shrimp, surf clam, sea urchin, and salmon roe. Today's sea urchin is the Ezo Bafun Uni, which was recently caught in Setana town and soaked in saltwater to maintain its freshness. It tastes different from regular sea urchin and is incredibly delicious. The scallops are locally sourced and have a great texture, while the botan shrimp is also very tasty. During the meal, the chef received a call from a friend who had just hunted a bear and asked him to come pick up the meat. Maybe we'll get to try bear meat soon?
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