restaurant cover
Shakotan Peninsula, Yoichi, Kiroro
Opening hours: 9:00 - 16:30 Open Sundays Hours of operation
Rest time: are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
北海道余市郡赤井川村字都190-16 道の駅 あかいがわ
recommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラートrecommendations for あかいがわジェラート
Private Dining Rooms
Smoking and Non-Smoking
No smoking at the table
Yes Large: 10 Ordinary: 57 (3 for the physically challenged)
After eating soft serve ice cream at a Michi-no-Eki (roadside station) in Akigawa Village, I ended up having gelato as well haha. I didn't realize that my review was also listed under "Akigawa Gelato" at the Michi-no-Eki. At the souvenir shop counter, I paid first, then took the receipt to the gelato counter to choose a flavor. Since I had tried the "Hokkaido Milk" flavor before, I opted for the "Kinako @400" which was made using ingredients from Akigawa. They only had a single size option in a cup. The gelato was quickly scooped and handed to me with a wooden spoon, which is not commonly seen nowadays. The kinako was coarsely ground, giving it a soybean texture and flavor, with a restrained sweetness suitable for adults. But having soft serve ice cream and gelato back to back is not a good idea. I feel a bit sick from consuming too much sugar, especially since I haven't eaten anything since this morning. Lesson learned. Thank you for the meal.
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On June 17, 2022 (Fri), I visited "Michi no Eki Akigawa" for the first time during my early summer trip to Hokkaido in 2022 (Day 2). This station was registered in April 2015 and is the 115th station to be established in Hokkaido. It is characterized by a wooden, mountain hut-style building and is still relatively new compared to other Michi no Eki stations. Inside "Michi no Eki Akigawa," there are several shops, one of which is "Akigawa Gelato." The recommended item at the shop is rice gelato. You can feel the texture of the rice grains, and the sweetness is mild.
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