restaurant cover
Lake Shikaribetsu, Lake Nukabira, Ashoro Area
Opening hours: 11:00-15:0018:30-0:00
Rest time: Sundays Business hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
recommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあきrecommendations for スナックあき
Payment Method
Cards accepted (JCB, AMEX, Diners)
Smoking and Non-Smoking
Smoking is permitted in all seats. As the Law Concerning Measures Against Passive Smoking (Revised Health Promotion Law) has been in effect since April 1, 2020, please check with the restaurant prior to your visit as the information may differ from the latest information.
I went to Snack Aki-san! It was my first visit. It's clearly a snack bar, but there are signs outside advertising meals and a sign saying they are open. I mustered up the courage and went in. It's definitely a daytime snack bar. It's a little before noon, but there are people drinking. There are groups of four, two elderly ladies, and two middle-aged women. It's crowded. I asked if they serve food, and they do. There is a daily menu with sashimi set, fried rice, stir-fried vegetables, curry, and udon available. I decided to have the udon, even though the price wasn't listed. They don't have karaoke, but there are loud enka and kayokyoku songs playing. While waiting, I noticed the elderly ladies next to me were having non-alcoholic beer. The middle-aged women across from me were drinking beer. They brought me water and shrimp chips as a charm. The udon arrived, and they asked if I wanted rice too. I declined. The udon was soft and the broth was light but tasty. It had shiitake mushrooms, chicken, and green onions on top. It tasted similar to homemade udon. I was about to leave when they offered me a complimentary drink - cola, Calpis, or oolong tea. I chose oolong tea. The bill came to 800 yen. I thought it was a bit pricey. If it was 700 yen, I would have felt better about it. I ate everything, including the rice they gave me. Overall, it was an interesting experience at Snack Aki-san.
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