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BekariMieux ◆ Mieux
Raus-Shiretoko Peninsula, Notsuke Peninsula, Konsen Plateau
Opening hours: 9:30 - 20:00 Open Sundays
Rest time: Open daily Open hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
北海道標津郡中標津町東4条南1-1 Aコープ中標津あるる
recommendations for ベーカリーミューrecommendations for ベーカリーミューrecommendations for ベーカリーミューrecommendations for ベーカリーミューrecommendations for ベーカリーミュー
A small bakery in Aruru. The selection of bread is good, including rice flour bread. The taste is simple and suitable for the general public. I was interested in the French toast, but I couldn't finish it, so I gave up. The layout is easy to shop. Thank you for the meal♪
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"Bakery Mew" "I came because someone said there's a bakery in A-Coop." So, you didn't say it in writing, right? We are two people in Nakashibetsu. Even if it's a bit slow in Nakashibetsu, we won't have to rush on the way back. Still, it's already 3 o'clock. This is the last stop, right? There was a bakery, "Bakery Mew," inside the supermarket. Even in the countryside, that kind of name is a bit surprising, right? If you hear "Mew," you think of a new type of mutation. There's nothing enticing about it, but Yome-san is interested in the "bean bread." Oh, bean bread, so it's a bean dish. I bought it, and they said, "It feels heavy, try holding it." When I held it, it didn't feel as dense as they said. I wonder why it's heavy. Maybe it's the weight of the beans. The bread dough looks a bit dry. When baked, it's cut quite thick. It's said to be crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. But the chewy feeling might not be that strong. The amount of beans is huge, and they are quite sweet, so it's a pretty sweet bread. It's hard to taste the flavor of the dough because there are so many beans. Still, I think the bread dough is delicious. The dryness might not be so noticeable once it's baked. The red bean donut is quite chewy in texture. The dough is delicious. However, the dough is thin, and the red bean filling is the star. The red bean filling is sweet and strong in sweetness. It's delicious, but this dough... I think the twisted donut would be absolutely delicious.
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