Opening hours: 9:00-17:00 Open Sundays Hours of operation
Rest time: are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
北海道夕張市滝ノ上132 夕張農協銘産センター
This year, it seems to have opened in late May. I wonder if it is open every year? Only during the summer? The location is near Takinoue Park. There is plenty of parking space. The refrigerator was filled with cut melons. There were also unripe melons (sugar baby watermelons) probably because it's still early in the season. They are delicious when pickled... but I didn't buy any. At the rice ball shop in the back, there was a sign saying "No soft serve ice cream available" (not sure if it's always like that, but it seems likely). The rice balls here look delicious... I wonder if they make them after you order?! The lineup is very intriguing, but it's not mealtime so I passed. There was no soft serve ice cream, but they had cup ice cream. They even had Yubari melon flavor. I think there were 5-6 flavors in total... Among them, I was interested in the sunflower and Kurosengoku (black soybean). What I noticed after buying was the label "Hokkaido Local Ice Cream". It turns out they had more than just Yubari!! Sunflower and Kurosengoku are from Hokuryu town (lol) I bought the Hokkaido Local Ice Cream "Phantom Kurosengoku". Kurosengoku is made from black soybeans. Upon the first bite, it tastes like kinako. By the second bite, you can taste the black soybeans. It was better than I expected. This (Kurosengoku) would be even better as soft serve ice cream. Does this mean we should also visit Hokuryu town? I hope I can go during sunflower season in Yubari! (Is that okay?!)
I received a summer gift - a cool delivery of Yubari melons in a large box. The melons may not look perfect, with some imperfections, but they are definitely Yubari melons. Just having them in the room spreads a sweet aroma. Following the instructions on when to eat and how to chill them, I cut into them after 3 days. The orange flesh was beautiful, and the aroma was even better when cut. Delicious! Thank you for this wonderful gift.
A gift from my mother! I'm glad I'm from Hokkaido... Moments when I think it's good to be from Hokkaido... I usually ignore phone calls at home on my day off, but I react abnormally to the doorbell. Most of the time it's just a shallow notification, disappointing, but this day it was a jackpot in a cardboard box! "Yubari Melon" with outstanding sweetness. My excitement doesn't rise until I eat it, but once I do, it's delicious! I share one with a friend and enjoy one at home. I'm satisfied with just 1/8. Thank you for the feast! Looking forward to the corn in August. Thank you as always!
Every year around this time, we have customers who send us Yubari melons as gifts. My son doesn't like melons or cucumbers. He says they make his mouth feel prickly. There are quite a few people in my workplace who feel the same way, so melons only show up on our dining table around this time. It used to be a treat when we got sick, but not anymore. My father's generation used to enjoy bananas, but I haven't seen any Prince melons lately. I kind of feel like eating one now. Yubari melons are a luxury with their sweet, red flesh. I wonder why they have a hint of alcohol smell? There are even more expensive and delicious melons out there, but I'm happy with what I can eat.
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