I passed by BASE, just happened to run a red light and escaped. There was a kitchen car from last week's marathon event, so I decided to park and try it out. The customer ahead of me ordered a Frappuccino, so I had to wait quite a while. While waiting, I went inside the shop and took some photos, watched sumo wrestling, and observed a woman alone. It took more than 10 minutes to get my order. If it wasn't a new shop in my area, I wouldn't have waited that long. I got a fluffy soft serve ice cream. It was surprisingly good, especially with the Jersey cow milk. I wonder why milk tastes better when cows wear jerseys. As someone not in agriculture, I don't understand. The corn topping was cheap but added a nice sweetness. Overall, it was a delicious soft serve ice cream. Next time, I'll try the Frappuccino.
I met at a kitchen car. Tokachi Jersey cow milk, Golden Milk, such wonderful names. It seems rare because they are smaller than Holsteins. I was curious about the Taiwan Castella and Starbucks-like Frappuccino, but first I tried the standard Jersey cow soft serve for 400 yen. I saw the customer in front of me drinking the soft serve. 400 yen. Is this not a shake? The soft serve is injected into a ziplock-like bag, flavored sauce (syrup?) is added, sealed, and handed over. Then you massage it yourself. It's not shaken, so can it be called a shake? It might be good not to get your hands dirty on a hot day. I liked both the Jersey cow soft serve and the other one.
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