Lunchtime visit. Papa forgot to report... _(._.)_ On this day, I accompanied Papa to the liquor store as he went to buy sake. My target was soba. Yes! Here. But when we arrived, there was already a long line... Papa said, "What should we do, TOMO-P?" Hmm... let's explore a new place! When Papa looked on his tablet, he found a place with ramen and hamburger. Papa said, "TOMO-P, it's not a family restaurant, but they have a variety of menu items. What do you think?" Let's go! Decision made. The restaurant wasn't too far, located in a quiet residential area with the name "shopping street" in it... Papa, is this really it? "It'll be fine. Some of TOMO-P's followers have been here!" That's right. We parked the car in what seemed like a parking lot of a former large store nearby and walked towards the restaurant. Papa said, "TOMO-P, it looks like this is the place." Is that so. In front of the restaurant, there were two dogs not moving. Cute, but not moving... Inside, there were counter seats and table seats, and according to Papa, it looked like a nighttime restaurant. There were two families of four as the previous customers. They seemed to have ordered ramen. Now, Papa, what will you have? "Hmm, I asked at the liquor store, but they recommended the soup curry here in this area." Is that so. But it's spicy, right? Is there anything else? "Hmm... soba, and..." Soba! "That's an instant decision! You really wanted soba, huh." Yes! Papa said, "Let's go with that! But the curry soba is spicy, so how about just meat and... oh, it's just the archenemy. The only other option is plain soba, but... what do you think?" Definitely "plain soba"! Papa, you'll have the soup curry, right? "The set menu also looks interesting, but yes, let's try the soup curry." And so, it was decided. While waiting, coffee was served. I can't drink it, so I gave it to Papa as a gift. I waited patiently. Soon, my "plain soba" was brought to the table. The kind staff prepared a small bowl and a fork for me, and let's go! Papa, please (^^) Papa picked up some soba with chopsticks and said, "TOMO-P, this is quite a lot! Can you handle it?" Okay (^_^)V The soba was a light brown color and slightly flat, so no problem. Now, the slurping strategy begins! Delicious! The broth isn't too spicy! I keep eating eagerly (^^) At some point, Papa's soup curry also arrived. Both dishes came with salad and pickles, so it was quite a filling meal. Papa tried a bite of the curry. How is it? "Well, it's a soup, but it has a slight stickiness, so it's like a light Indian curry. The spiciness is just right, and the flavor is good." I see. "The ingredients are the usual eggplant and pumpkin. And the chicken has a nice tenderness. Want to try the pumpkin?" Yes! (^_^)V Papa cut a piece for me, and when I tried it... it's spicy! ( ・_・;) It's spicy, so I'm done. I still have an adult taste. But that white beard-like thing is intriguing! I hesitantly asked Papa. What is this, Papa? "That's a good question. But the conclusion is, it's a mystery." I see. I still have a lot of soba left! I'll do my best. With Papa's support, I'm busy eating. At one point, Papa tried to remove the chicken from the bone, and said, "This chicken is just a step away from falling off the bone. It has a nice chewiness that's really delicious! How is it?" Let me try a little... Papa sprinkled some chicken on the rice to avoid the spiciness. Delicious! But still a bit spicy! Papa said, "This is quite good. The rice portion is sufficient, and the sourness in the aftertaste is pleasant. It's a bit different from the chain restaurant's soup curry." It seems that even though Papa is somewhat critical of the anything-goes nature of soup curry, this place is different. "Oops, the soba is all gone." It's okay, there's salad left! I ended up finishing all the soba without leaving any. The staff complimented me on enjoying the vegetables (^_^)V because the vegetables are delicious. Papa, it was delicious. Let's come back again (^^) Papa said, "Let's report back to Mama." Yes!