restaurant cover
純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店
Junnamashokupankoubou HARE::Pan ◆ HARE/PAN
Hidaka, Shizunai, Erimo Area
Opening hours: 10:30-18:00 Open Sundays
Rest time: Open daily Open hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
北海道浦河郡浦河町大通3-40-1 浦河ウェリントンホテル 1F
recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店recommendations for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店
Reservation Info
Reservations accepted Reservations can be made by phone. Reservation time 11:00-17:30, closing when sold out.
Children (breastfeeding children, children not attending school, elementary school children)
While driving on Route 236 (Yushun Romantic Highway) near the coastline, I saw a bakery sign that caught my eye at a traffic light. Since I couldn't find enough pastries at the previous bakery I visited, I decided to stop by here to satisfy my craving for bread. The bakery is located inside the Urakawa Wellington Hotel, and I was able to purchase bread at the front desk (cloak room). One loaf costs 864 yen (including tax), which is in the same price range as other high-end bread shops. I enjoyed the bread the next morning. It was soft all the way to the crust, with a sweet flavor. The ingredients do not include eggs, but margarine, butter, and honey are used. This pure bread was supervised by Japanese cuisine chef Tohru Nakagawa. I tried toasting it as well. The surface was crispy while the inside was chewy, making it delicious both as is and toasted. To prevent it from going bad, I sliced it and wrapped each piece in plastic wrap before freezing it.
User's review image for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店User's review image for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店User's review image for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店User's review image for 純生食パン工房 ハレパン 浦河店
In August 2021, I visited a national chain bakery specializing in bread. Previously, there were only two stores in Sapporo and one in Kushiro, but this month, new stores opened in Monbetsu and Urakawa in the Hidaka area, bringing the total to five stores. I visited the Urakawa store this time, which is located on the first floor of the Wellington Hotel where I stayed last month. The store closes at 6 pm, but they mentioned that it's okay to pick up until 7 pm if there is enough stock. The bread is baked at the Hidaka Tomikawa store, as indicated on the label. I tried the bread two days after purchasing it. Initially, I found it quite sweet, probably due to the use of sugar, honey, cream, condensed milk, margarine, and butter. The texture was more dense than fluffy. When toasted and spread with butter, it was delicious, but a bit too sweet for my taste. The price for a 2-pound loaf is 800 yen before tax, which is on the higher end for bread, but both I and my bread-loving spouse were satisfied with it.
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