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カレーショップ インデアン 音更店
Tokachigawa-Onsen, Karikachi Highland Area
Opening hours: 10:00 - 21:00
Rest time: Compliant with Piazza's regular closing days. Business hours and closing days are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
北海道河東郡音更町木野大通東16丁目 ぴあざフクハラ内
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No smoking at the table
Robert De Niro
Today, I visited a curry shop called "Indian" located inside the local supermarket "Piazza Fukuhara Onsappu Store" in Otofuke-cho, Kushiro-gun since the morning. It was already lunchtime when the clock struck 12:00. The shop is operated by Fujimori Shokai, a local chain specializing in curry rice, based in Obihiro City, aiming to be the second most delicious restaurant in Obihiro (the first being his wife and mother's cooking). When I arrived at the shop, it was unexpectedly crowded even on a weekday, with all seats taken. I had to wait in line for about 6 groups ahead of me. After waiting for about 15 minutes, my name was called, and I was seated at a 4-seat booth. The customers were a mix of people of all ages, likely all locals. Interestingly, there were also many customers buying only the curry sauce as a takeout, carrying pots with them. I ordered the "Hamburger Indian Roux Spicy" for 726 yen in a regular portion, which was quite a generous serving. It came with three types of condiments, and I chose "green shiso seeds" and "fukujin pickles." First, I tried the hamburger. It was a simple hamburger that didn't taste much like beef, but it surprisingly paired well with the curry. Then, I tried the curry rice. It had a thick consistency with a rich flavor, occasionally finding bits of beef in it, resembling homemade curry rice. Honestly, I believe there are many tastier curry rice dishes in Tokyo than here. However, the curry rice enjoyed in this vast northern land has a unique and nostalgic taste, something warm and comforting, representing the flavor of Tokachi. Thank you for the meal.
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I visited the restaurant because I returned to my hometown and had dinner alone. It was a normal Saturday night, so I was able to get in without waiting for almost 2 hours like during Obon or New Year's. It was 8:00 pm, but the basic dish was already sold out. I ordered the forbidden Indian katsu cheese. It was a topping I had always wanted to try, and it did not disappoint in taste! It was served in just 2-3 minutes after ordering, which was great. It is a must-try food as one of Tokachi's soul foods.
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I went to "Curry Shop Indian Tonego Branch" and had Indian shrimp curry with less rice. It was crowded during the day probably because of the fireworks event, but it was empty during the fireworks time. However, today's curry was watery and spicy even though I ordered it to be normal spicy. It was clearly not the usual quality curry, so I was very disappointed. Maybe it's because it's not the usual branch??
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The Indian curry in Obihiro was surprisingly delicious. It can definitely compete with the Indian curry in Osaka. The price is unbelievably cheap, starting from just one coin. The slightly thick roux is full of the aroma of wheat flour, combined with the flavor of curry powder, creating an ideal roux. The rice is also cooked perfectly. There are two types of roux available - Indian roux with the richness of beef and a blend of European curry and Indian spiciness, and vegetable roux that really brings out the flavor of the vegetables. Both are delicious. The spiciness level can be adjusted from 1 to 5, and even the spiciest option is still enjoyable. Topping it with a hamburger patty adds a nice touch to the flavor. The Indian curry in Obihiro, a soul food of the city, exceeded all expectations in terms of taste.
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This is one of the shops I always visit when I go to Obihiro. When I first started going to Obihiro, lunch meant pork bowl, but since the hotel I stay at often serves pork bowl for breakfast, I started going for another Obihiro specialty. This shop has a spacious interior, but even around 13:30 on the day of my visit, it was full. Customers kept coming in one after another. Hokkaido is often associated with soup curry, but the curry here is really delicious. They occasionally have a pop-up shop at Escon Field, but I wish they would become a regular member.
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I had curry at an Indian restaurant in Otofuke, which is open even after 3 PM. It's a popular Indian restaurant chain based in Obihiro. They often run out of the vegetable curry at night, so I made sure to ask and luckily they had it this time. I had the vegetable curry with medium spiciness and extra rice. It was a vegetable curry without meat, which I don't usually eat, but it was surprisingly delicious. However, next time I think I'll try adding pork cutlet as a topping when I order the vegetable curry again.
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Here is an Indian curry I had at Fukuhara in Tokachi Onneyu-cho. The area is a major commercial hub surrounded by forests. Even on the holiday at the odd time of 4 pm, the place was bustling with customers. I had seafood and cutlet at the Satsunai branch yesterday, but today I went for my personal favorite combination of "Indian curry with chicken, shrimp, extra spicy, 946 yen". I always go for the extra spicy level, otherwise it's not stimulating enough for me. The curry arrived with generously sized diced chicken breast and shrimp. The gradually intensifying spiciness was satisfying. I love the rich flavor of Indian curry, even when it's spicy. Oh, I won't be able to eat this for a while now. I envy the people in Tokachi who can eat it whenever they want. I wonder if they do delivery? But then again, it's nice that they don't.
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I stopped by for lunch during a break from work. I have had Indian curry many times before, but this was my first time visiting this particular restaurant. It was conveniently located on my way from my morning work location to my afternoon work location. The restaurant was a bit crowded during lunchtime, with a few customers waiting outside. Since I was dining alone, I was seated at the counter right away. I ordered the usual Indian curry, which was served promptly. The taste was consistent and comforting, just like I remembered. The price has increased over the years, but it's still affordable at around 500 yen for a serving of curry and rice. As it was busy, I left soon after finishing my meal. Thank you for the delicious food.
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Unique and one-of-a-kind. No matter what toppings you choose, it's delicious, and the pickled ginger and fukujinzuke side dishes also go well with the curry. Seeing the same staff member from 3-4 years ago when I last ate here made me feel nostalgic. I want to eat as much as I can while I'm in Obihiro.
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On 23/02/19, I had "Spicy Seafood (869 yen)" for dinner while on a business trip. Sunday evening has arrived again. Reluctantly, I prepare dinner for the weekday. I finish up the usual vegetable stir-fry and put it in the refrigerator. If I work for 3 more days this week, I can go back to Asahikawa! Even so, my gloomy feelings remain unchanged (tears). Now, what should I have for dinner today? I'm so hungry. It's like a physiological response at this point, sitting here. I came to the neighboring town because it's the nature of a food blogger to prefer new restaurants. I ordered seafood this time to avoid just eating meat. The main ingredients were scallops, clams, and shrimp. Fried eggplant and green peppers were also included. Among the menu options, this one had the most variety of ingredients. They were covered in a basic curry sauce, a blend of beef umami and sweet onion. Of course, it was thick in texture (laughs). I quickly finished eating and left the restaurant. It wasn't a special taste, but on weekends, my body naturally craves it. It's a mysterious curry. With this, I have visited all the Indian restaurants in the Tokachi area. I'm not aiming to conquer all the restaurants, but I hope to continue enjoying them in the future.
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Vegetable curry, 490 yen. It tastes like my youth, still delicious as ever!! \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)\ \(//∇//)
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Nipponia nippon
I visited Indian Curry for the first time. It was quite crowded as it was lunchtime. My friend and I ordered Indian curry with chicken and Indian curry with shrimp. It was very delicious. I can see why it's popular. The staff were also very friendly. We were planning to get takeout, but we forgot the pot so we gave up. I want to go again. This is my diary-like entry, so the evaluation and comments are not reliable.
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I finally got to eat Indian curry, the soul food of Obihiro, which I've been wanting to try but couldn't go. The restaurant in Nibutani that I always use when I come to Obihiro is crowded as expected at dinner time. Many people are waiting for takeout. Everyone brings their own pot. This time, I also brought a pot to the store. Of course, I will eat inside the store. I ordered Indian curry and regular curry with chicken. My wife ordered Indian curry, and my son ordered Indian curry with hamburger. When I come for Indian curry, I always eat two bowls. Because I want to taste both Indian roux and regular roux. Indian roux allows you to taste the slowly simmered beef and onions. The regular roux has a condensed flavor of the simmered ingredients. Both are delicious. I wonder when I can come next time. It was a very satisfying curry. Thank you for the meal.
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During the summer tradition of the Nemuro crab tour, we stopped by the famous Indian curry restaurant in Otofuke for lunch. There was already a line, but we were called in after about 30 minutes. About half of the customers were there for takeout, with many bringing their own pots. We sat at the counter and noticed panels of old Hollywood stars. I ordered the classic Indian curry, medium spicy. The first bite of just the curry with a spoon was nostalgic yet rich and flavorful. It tasted even better when eaten with rice. The customers ranged from children to elderly, showing that the taste appeals to everyone. It's a shame that this restaurant is only in Tokachi. I wish they would expand to other areas like a ballpark.
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On the way back from a spicy curry in Kushiro, I arrived a few minutes late at the downtown store for the 11:00 AM opening, but the parking lot was full so I gave up and rushed to the Otofuke store. There were a few groups waiting outside, but since it's curry, the turnover was good and I was able to enter in about 10 minutes. I enjoyed the Indian curry after a long time and was very satisfied.
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When you come to Tokachi, you must feel obligated to try the Indian curry at Indean. I stopped by Fukuhara on my way from Obihiro to Honbetsu for work, then back to Otofuke to come here. I arrived around 11:30 and the restaurant was almost full. I ordered the "vegetables" curry with "extremely spicy" level. The curry arrived on a familiar silver plate. I topped the rice with the three condiments on the table before finally digging in. The Indian curry had a wonderful aroma, flavor, and spiciness. The finely chopped vegetables and chunks of potatoes in the thick curry, along with the perfect blend of spices, created an exquisite taste. The combination of rice and curry was like a perfect marriage, truly delicious. The extreme spiciness was indeed hot, but it didn't overpower the curry's flavor, making it enjoyable. I finished my meal quickly, feeling completely satisfied. It was delicious once again. Thank you for the meal.
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It's just a very normal curry, but cheap! You can eat a regular curry for under 500 yen at this shop, which seems to be limited to the Obihiro area. I love Indian curry from a place in Kansai and when I looked it up, I found out that the owner of that shop, who also loved Indian curry, brought it back to Obihiro and opened a shop. The signboard picture and name are almost the same, right? But the taste of the curry is completely different.
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I visited the Otoe restaurant in Obihiro for lunch on the second day of my trip, after 2 years. It was a busy weekend at 12:30, with locals waiting, but we were quickly seated in a booth. I ordered the Indian curry with pork cutlet topping, medium spicy, which I also had at their downtown location 2 years ago. My family ordered Indian curry with cheese and shrimp curry, and our dishes arrived in 7-8 minutes. The pork cutlet was cut into bite-sized pieces, making it easy to eat and delicious. The hot oil was a nice touch! They also provided a variety of condiments for us to enjoy. More customers arrived later, showing that it is a popular restaurant. Thank you for the meal!
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December 14, 2021. Today, I can do my part by supporting local restaurants while being cautious. Let's all do our best together! Before heading to see the Kurukuru Recycling in Neuschwanstein, I stopped by the Obihiro soul food restaurant that opens at 10:00. "Curry Shop Indian Neuschwanstein Store" is where I went. They offer takeout as well. Located in Neuschwanstein, along National Route 241, inside the Piazza Fukuhara Neuschwanstein store. The exterior belongs to Fukuhara, while the interior has a spacious dining area with 14 counter seats and 5 tables for 4 people each. It was 10:20. Since I had Indian curry last time, this time I ordered the Seafood (Basic Roux) for 781 yen (tax included), with a topping of cutlet for 264 yen (tax included) and a large portion for 148 yen (tax included). I always have a craving for Indian curry (laughs). I love seafood, so I enjoyed the richness and umami of the seafood curry from Indian. It was delicious as always! And once again, I burned my mouth with the first bite (laughs). I will definitely come back for more curry next time. Thank you for the meal. Curry Shop Indian Nagasakiya Obihiro Store Takeout available ☆ Business hours: 10:00-21:00 ☆ Closed on Fukuhara's schedule.
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East Hokkaido 2 nights, 3 days. The final meal is... Indian curry♪ But why did YOU choose Indian in Ono instead of Obihiro city!?! Reason ⇒ Because the route was good. This 2-night, 3-day trip to East Hokkaido is coming to an end. It's a bit sad. If only there was one more night, I would have liked to go there and there... But I have work, so it can't be helped. This trip was for 2 nights, 3 days. (No toll roads used, only car travel.) Day 1: Otaru (departed in the afternoon) → Stayed at AGATE in Asahikawa (a pretty amazing hotel). Day 2: Asahikawa → Hifunorth to Engaru (free section) → Kitami → Bihoro (used Tamura's main store) → Memanbetsu (Okhotsk town) → Abashiri → Hamakoshimizu → Shari → Kiyosato → Stayed at Kinki-yu Onsen in Kawakami (breakfast included). Day 3: Kawakami Onsen → Lake Mashu → Shikaribetsu → Visited the Itsukushima Shrine in Kushiro → Akan to Motobetsu (free section) → Ono (Indian) → Otaru (via Nikko Pass). For those who are familiar with geography, you might understand, but I chose Ono because the route was good. On the 3rd day, the distance to travel was long, so I wanted to reduce the distance and travel time as much as possible, rather than entering Obihiro city, so I came to the Ono store. Well, Indian curry is delicious no matter where you eat it! The Ono Indian, which feels like it's attached to the supermarket Fukuhara-san, has a great smell in the parking lot! When you enter the store and place your order, it takes about 7 minutes until the food is served. Not bad. The 3 types of pickles on the table are a very nice service. Especially the Fukujin pickles are a must. This time, I ordered... of course, Indian curry♪ for 462 yen. I tried ordering it spicy for the first time. I also got Indian roux to go (spicy) for exactly 400 yen including the container fee. The normal size has a solid volume even without the large size option for an additional 148 yen. But 462 yen for such delicious curry is amazing. Indian curry is characterized by its rich consistency rather than being watery. The spiciness level goes from normal → medium spicy → spicy... and the normal is a taste that anyone, young or old, can enjoy, the medium spicy is orthodox, and the spicy is spicy and delicious. I've only had normal and medium spicy before (probably), but the spicy was a first for me... The spicy was definitely spicy. But delicious. This is what they call spicy and tasty! The spiciness hit me right in my strike zone along with the flavor. I'll definitely go for spicy again next time! When I entered the store, the air conditioning was on even though it was 15 degrees outside, and even I, who is sensitive to heat, felt a little cold, but when I left the store, it was so hot that I couldn't stand it. Oh, I may have mentioned this before, but Indian curry comes in three types of roux: Indian roux, basic roux, and vegetable roux. I haven't tried the vegetable roux, but personally, Indian roux is much better than basic roux. For example, if you order chicken curry, you get the basic roux, but if you ask for chicken curry with Indian roux, they will change it for free. For those trying it for the first time, I really recommend trying Indian roux.
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This is a popular curry chain in the Tokachi region. It is cheap, delicious, and loved by locals. Even with toppings, it costs less than 1,000 yen, making it a much better deal than a certain nationwide curry chain. It offers traditional rich curry instead of trendy soup curry, which is nice. If there is one nearby, it's a place I would like to visit often.
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