restaurant cover
Kyoto Station Area
Opening hours: Open 24 hours a day
Rest time: Open year-round. Business hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
京都府京都市南区東九条上殿田町53-1 第一土木ビル 2F
recommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェrecommendations for トップスカフェ
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Cards accepted (JCB, AMEX, Diners)
Private Dining Rooms
●Drink bar: Free ★★☆ (included in the usage fee) ●Other services: Free water (self-service drink bar style), wet paper towels provided, restrooms available, charging outlets available at each seat, shoes are not required to be removed (except when using flat seats), average customer service, tends to be crowded, with many people using it while waiting for a high-speed bus. Prior registration is required for use, with a separate fee of 220 yen for registration. The lowest price is 132 yen for 15 minutes.
User's review image for トップスカフェUser's review image for トップスカフェUser's review image for トップスカフェUser's review image for トップスカフェ
It was too hot! I discovered a perfect resting spot in Kyoto for when it gets too hot. I was feeling unwell due to the extreme heat during the day and couldn't think of anywhere else to lie down. They had a drink bar with unlimited drinks, so I sipped on my OS-1 while enjoying videos and manga. Before I knew it, my body started to cool down thanks to the air conditioning, and I decided to have some hot corn soup - it was delicious! I couldn't resist getting a second serving. I grabbed a cup of cold iced drink to take with me as I headed back out into the hot streets of Kyoto. The kind voice of the lady at the front desk was very soothing. I would love to visit again if I have the chance.
User's review image for トップスカフェUser's review image for トップスカフェUser's review image for トップスカフェUser's review image for トップスカフェ
On October 31, 2015, I used this place after a business trip to wait for a night bus. It is located right near Kyoto Station's Hachijo Exit. Currently, the Hachijo Exit is under road construction and waiting for the bus is not possible. There are few cafes or restaurants in the station's dining area, and most of them close by 10 pm. In this situation, this place is valuable. The fee is 1496 yen for a 3-hour premium seat pack plus membership fee. However, it is truly a cafe. There are no shower facilities or meals available, only drinks. Still, this is one of the few places near Kyoto Station where you can relax for a long time. The location is very convenient. After I arrived, more and more people came in, and it was fully booked early on a Saturday night. It seems that many people also use it for overnight stays, as I overheard inquiries about the "Night Pack" from the front desk. I recommend using it as soon as possible.
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