restaurant cover
BAR Prestige
Bapuresuteji ◆ バー プレステージ
Gion, Kiyomizu-dera, Higashiyama
Opening hours: 20:00 - 4:00 the next day, open Sundays
Rest time: Open daily Open hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
京都府京都市中京区木屋町通四条上ル きぬたビル 4F
recommendations for BAR Prestigerecommendations for BAR Prestigerecommendations for BAR Prestigerecommendations for BAR Prestigerecommendations for BAR Prestige
Number of Seats
16 seats
[Series: Music Par] ★★★★☆ When asked what they want the most right now, many adults would answer without hesitation, "prestige." This bar's concept is based on fulfilling the desires of such adults. Located on a narrow staircase facing the willow-lined Kiyamachi Street, this bar can be discovered by carefully surveying the surroundings at the landing. While it seems unplanned, this secretive approach effectively enhances the atmosphere of an adult hideaway. Inside the bar, there is a counter in front and booth seating in the back, if memory serves correctly. The lighting is pleasantly bright. The friendly bartender at the counter seems to gently explore my preferences. Before finishing the first drink on the rocks, the volume of the background music is turned up. The expansive sound of Dave Brubeck's piano and complex rhythms make you feel intoxicated. Through the front window, you can see the illuminated Minamiza Theater across the Kamo River, beyond Pontocho. That's right, I was in Kyoto. Carefully descending the stairs while keeping a hand on the wall, so as not to fall.
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