LavieTaste - Privacy Policy
Thank you for using LavieTaste! To better protect your personal information, we suggest you read the "LavieTaste Privacy Policy" carefully. If you have any objections or questions regarding the terms of this privacy policy, you may communicate with us using the contact information published in VI. Contact Us, of this "LavieTaste Privacy Policy".
I. Introduction
1.1 The "LavieTaste Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this privacy policy") applies to the websites, mobile clients, mini-programs, and software development kits (SDKs) and application programming interfaces (APIs) provided for third-party websites and applications. LavieTaste refers to the restaurant reservation service developed and operated by Zecoba, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "LavieTaste" or "we").
1.2 Please read and fully understand the entire content of this privacy policy before using any products/services of LavieTaste. By using or continuing to use the products/services of LavieTaste, you agree to our use and processing of your relevant information in accordance with this privacy policy.
1.3 We may from time to time revise this privacy policy in accordance with laws, regulations, or business adjustments. When there are changes to this privacy policy, we will display the changed content by updating the version and through notifications or messages in a prominent position.
1.4 You need to understand that we will collect, use, process, and store your personal information in accordance with the revised privacy policy only after you confirm and agree to it. You have the right to refuse to agree to the revised privacy policy, but please be aware that refusing may prevent you from fully using or continuing to use the relevant services and functions of LavieTaste, or achieving the intended service effects.
II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information
2.1 LavieTaste collects and uses your personal information, which you provide actively during the use of the services or which is generated as needed by the product/service, according to laws and regulations and following the principles of legality, legitimacy, and necessity. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not specified in this privacy policy, or use the information collected for specific purposes for other uses, we will inform you in a timely and reasonable manner and obtain your consent again before use.
2.2 Typically, we collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:
2.2.1 Account Registration and Login
(1) When you register/login to a LavieTaste account, you need to follow our guidance to complete a series of registration/login procedures. In this process, you need to provide the following information to us: mobile phone number or email address (sensitive personal information, used to receive a verification code to match personal identity). You can successfully register/login to a LavieTaste account and use the core functions of the product/service only if you provide true and accurate information mentioned above. If you choose not to provide the essential information required for the core functions of LavieTaste, or it will result in our inability to provide you with these core product functions. (2) Our products support using third-party platform accounts (e.g., WeChat account) for login. If you choose to log in using a third-party platform account, we will collect relevant information under that account with your authorization (including: user ID, nickname, avatar) as well as authentication information (sensitive personal information). We promise that the collection of the above information is for providing you with account login services and ensuring the security of your account to prevent security risks. If you refuse to authorize such information, you will not be able to use third-party platform accounts to log into our platform, but it will not affect the normal use of other products/services we offer. (3) Furthermore, you need to understand that your mobile phone number or email address and the verification code matching result are considered your sensitive personal information. We collect this type of information based on relevant legal and regulatory requirements. If you refuse to provide this, it may result in your inability to register/login to your account and use related product features. Please consider carefully before deciding whether to provide this information.
2.2.2 Invitation
When you use the invitation function in our product, we need to collect some of your information, including the following personal information: your device information, your log information, your Internet Protocol (IP) address location information. We collect these information to verify the authenticity of the invitation operation, and also to improve our products/services.
2.2.3 Customer Service
When you initiate a complaint, appeal, or consultation to LavieTaste, for your account and system security, we may need you to provide account information first, and match it with your previous personal information to verify your user identity. Additionally, to facilitate communication with you or to help you solve problems, we may also need you to provide the following sensitive personal information: mobile phone number, email, and other contact methods. Moreover, we will collect your communication information with us (including text/image/audio/video/call record forms) and other necessary information related to your needs. We collect these information to investigate facts and help you solve problems. If you refuse to provide the above information, we may not be able to timely feedback the results of complaints, appeals, or consultations to you.
2.2.4 Payment
When you order goods/services, activate a membership, etc., and engage in payment activities on LavieTaste, you will need to use the payment function. During the payment process, we may collect your third-party payment channel's user ID (e.g., Alipay user ID, WeChat open ID, or email) (sensitive personal information). Moreover, to ensure the security of your account and funds and the safe and stable operation of payment services, we may collect your necessary device information (e.g., IP address) and provide it to your chosen third-party payment channel. The aforementioned information is necessary for us to provide you with goods and/or service purchase functions. We cannot obtain your personal property information based solely on this information, nor can we identify specific natural person identity information.
2.3 Besides the above situations, we may also collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:
2.3.1 Indirect Collection of Your Personal Information from Third Parties
(1) You understand and acknowledge that we cannot access personal information you provide to external third parties, nor will we use unconventional methods (such as maliciously interfering with other party's series of APP data) to improperly obtain your personal information through software programs. If LavieTaste needs to indirectly collect your personal information from third parties (such as through sharing) for business development purposes, and we (or third parties) directly or jointly provide products or services to you, we (or third parties) will explicitly inform you before collecting it about the source, type, purpose, and method of use of your personal information, as well as the business functions it is used for and the scope of authorization consent (if the usage method and scope exceed the original authorization scope you provided to the third party, we will seek your authorization and consent again). (2) Our professional security team will reinforce the security of personal information (including sensitive information filing, encryption storage of sensitive information, access control, etc.)
2.3.2 Message Notifications and Marketing Promotions
We may send you one or more types of notifications through the contact methods you provide during the use of products/services (such as phone number and email), for user message notification, identity verification, safety verification, and user experience surveys. Additionally, we may also provide you with commercial information about services, functions, or activities you may be interested in through email, SMS, phone, etc. If you do not wish to receive our commercial information, you can contact us to unsubscribe (VI. Contact Us of this "LavieTaste Privacy Policy").
2.3.3 For Other Reasonable and Necessary Purposes
If a product/service that needs to collect your personal information is not explained in this privacy policy, or if we exceed the purpose and scope directly or reasonably associated with the collection of your personal information, we will explain separately to you before collecting and using your personal information through updating this privacy policy, page prompts, pop-ups, website announcements, or other easily accessible ways, and provide you with ways to choose to consent autonomously, and collect and use only after obtaining your explicit consent.
2.3.4 Situations Exempted by Law from Obtaining Consent
You understand and agree that in the following cases, we do not need to obtain your authorization and consent to collect and use your personal information: (1) Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract we signed with you; (2) Necessary for the performance of legal duties or legal obligations, such as those directly related to national security, national defense security, and criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment execution; (3) Necessary for responding to sudden public health events, or for protecting the life, health, and property safety of natural persons in emergency situations; (4) For carrying out news reporting, public opinion supervision, and other activities for public interest, within a reasonable range; (5) Processing personal information that you have made public or other legally public personal information within a reasonable range; (6) Other situations specified by laws and regulations.
III. Protection of Personal Information
3.1 We promise not to share your personal information with any companies, organizations, or individuals. Your personal information security is crucial to us. We will strictly abide by applicable laws and regulations and adopt industry-recognized reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, and to prevent data damage or loss.
3.2 Security Technical Measures: We use industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide against unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, and modification, and to prevent data damage or loss. We will take all reasonably practicable measures to protect your personal information.
3.3 Information Transfer: Except with your explicit consent, we will not transfer your personal information to any companies, organizations, or individuals. If personal information needs to be transferred due to mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcy liquidation, we will inform you of the recipient's name and require the recipient to comply with this Privacy Policy. If the recipient changes the purposes or methods of processing personal information as agreed upon in this Privacy Policy, we will require the recipient to obtain your authorization and consent again.
3.4 Disclosure of Information: Except for disclosures made in accordance with laws and regulations or with your separate consent, we will not publicly disclose your personal information that you have not disclosed yourself or that is not legally public. If it is necessary to publicly disclose your personal information, we will conduct a personal information protection impact assessment in advance and adopt industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information.
3.5 Legal Exemptions: Please be aware that under the provisions of laws and regulations, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require prior authorization and consent in the following cases: 3.5.1 Necessary for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract we have signed with you; 3.5.2 Necessary for performing legal obligations or statutory duties directly related to national security, national defense security, criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and judgment enforcement; 3.5.3 Necessary for responding to public health emergencies or in emergencies to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons; 3.5.4 Reasonable processing of personal information for activities such as news reporting and public opinion supervision in the public interest; 3.5.5 Reasonable processing of personal information that you have disclosed on your own or that is already legally public; 3.5.6 Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.
You acknowledge and understand that the systems and communication networks used when you access our services may encounter security issues beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect the security of your personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, regularly changing your passwords, and not disclosing your account password and related personal information to others.
IV. About the Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies
4.1 When you use our products/services, we may use cookies and similar technologies to collect some of your personal information, including: your browsing habits, your browsing information, your login information. Collecting such information with cookies and similar technologies is necessary for you to use our products/services, to simplify your repetitive actions (e.g., registration, login), to facilitate viewing your usage history, to provide you with services more tailored to your needs and content you may find more interesting, to protect your information and account security, and to improve our products/services.
4.2 If you refuse our use of cookies and similar technologies to collect and use your information, you can manage, partially or fully refuse cookies and/or similar technologies, or delete cookies and/or similar technologies stored on your computer, mobile device, or other devices by adjusting your browser settings, provided your browser has this functionality. For detailed information on how to change your browser settings, please refer to the settings page of the browser you are using. You understand and acknowledge that some of our products/services can only be enabled through the use of cookies or similar technologies. If you refuse to use or delete them, you may not be able to properly use our related products/services or obtain the best service experience through our products/services, which may also affect your information protection and account security.
V. Protection of Minors' Personal Information
5.1 Minors should obtain the consent of their guardians before using our products/services. If you are a minor, you should read this Privacy Policy with your guardian before using our products/services and submit personal information under the explicit consent and guidance of your guardian. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the country, and will only collect, use, or publicly disclose the personal information of minors when legally permitted, explicitly consented to by guardians, or necessary to protect your rights.
5.2 If you are a guardian of a minor and have questions about the personal information of the minor you are supervising, you can communicate and resolve issues with us through the contact methods disclosed in VI. Contact Us of this Privacy Policy. If we discover that we have collected personal information of a minor without prior verifiable consent from a guardian, we will delete the data as soon as possible.
VI. Contact Us
6.1 If you have any questions, need consultation, or wish to make a complaint about the content of this "LavieTaste Privacy Policy" or privacy-related issues encountered while using our services, you can contact us by sending an email to our customer service email at
6.2 We will respond to your comments and suggestions as soon as possible. Additionally, you understand and acknowledge that we will not be able to respond to your requests in the following situations related to personal information: 6.2.1 Related to national security and national defense security; 6.2.2 Related to public safety, public health, significant public interests; 6.2.3 Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, and trial; 6.2.4 There is sufficient evidence showing you have subjective malice or abuse of rights; 6.2.5 Responding to your request would cause serious harm to your or other individuals' or organizations' legal rights; 6.2.6 Involves trade secrets; 6.2.7 Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.
VII. How this Policy is Updated
To provide better services, we will update the terms of this "Privacy Policy" based on product updates and legal and regulatory requirements. These updates are part of this "Privacy Policy." Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce the rights you are entitled to under this policy. We will notify you by posting a notice in a prominent place or sending you a push message or by other means before the updated Privacy Policy takes effect. If such updates result in a substantial reduction or significant change to your rights under this Privacy Policy, we will seek your explicit consent again.
VIII. Dispute Resolution
8.1 The interpretation and dispute resolution of this Privacy Policy shall be governed by the laws of Mainland China. Any disputes arising from this Privacy Policy and our handling of your personal information shall be resolved through arbitration at the Shanghai Arbitration Commission; the arbitration shall be final and legally binding on both parties.
8.2 If you believe that our handling of personal information has infringed your legal rights, you may also choose to report this to relevant government departments.
8.3 The headings in this Privacy Policy are for convenience and readability only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision herein.
Cookie Notice
We use cookies to improve your browsing experience. By continuing, you agree to our Cookie Policy